The Fearless Girl

She’s not necessarily a woman, nor is she actually alive, but her role in promoting women’s rights is too great to pass up. Introducing: Fearless Girl.

The Fearless Girl statue was set up on March 8, 2017, International Women’s Day — day that received profound attention this year in particular. She was created by artist Kristen Visbal, and built by investment management firm State Street as a means of encouraging women to enter the male-dominated financial sector of business.

As many know, Wall Street is run by men, a shocking 77.5% to be exact. It also faces an astounding lack of diversity, especially at the highest level of management where over 80% of executives are white. This lack of diversity in terms of gender and race have been extremely detrimental, creating a system that is only becoming more and more authoritarian and divided. Quite frankly, it is time for a change, and the Fearless Girl is the first step in this movement toward female and minority representation.

As of right now, the Fearless Girl statue only has a permit to stand off against the Bull in lower Manhattan for one week, and she will be taken down shortly after. If you would like to see the permanent residency of the Fearless Girl on Wall Street, I encourage you to sign this petition to let her valor and advocacy for women’s rights last forever: .

A symbol of gender equality, bravery in the face of adversity, and a future of opportunity, the Fearless Girl represents thousands of women with bright careers in front of them. #WomanoftheWeek