Creating Equity Fluent Leaders

By Aishwarya Rane

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Have you ever wondered some of the implications of fast growing artificial intelligence? Maybe you have thought of robots that can act as humans or how automation might affect the job market?

The Center for Equity, Gender, and Leadership (EGAL) at Haas is currently working on research and playbooks to understand what business leaders need to know about bias in automation and artificial intelligence. Their research will help better understand these implications and work towards creating a more equitous business environment and world. 

For example, according to an article from Reuters approximately 2 years ago, Amazon had to remove its Artificial Intelligence  recruitment software because it was shown to have inherent bias against women. This was found because the algorithm was created based on resumes that Amazon received over a ten course period and found that the predictors would downgrade activities and colleges that women took part in.  

EGAL is using this research towards also creating “Equity Fluent” leaders in the business space. An equity fluent leader is one who has a deep understanding of the value of diverse experiences and uses their power to address barriers, increase access, and drive change for positive impact in their workplace or community. According to the playbooks they are developing, one of the essential aspects of mitigating bias in AI such as in the example of Amazon is through educating leaders to take these considerations when making decisions. 

Bringing light to decisions relating to inclusion, EGAL is paving the way for creating tangible change towards diversity in the workplace, which can translate to developing a greater equitous business environment that adapts to technological innovation. 
