The Five W’s to Learning More About Gender Inequality

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What is gender inequality and why does it occur?

Like many people, you may have heard about gender inequality, but what is it actually? In simple words, it is the difference in treatment of men and women that occurs in everyday life. The topic of gender inequality encourages men and women around the globe to speak up and fight for equal pay, equal treatment, and equal respect. Gender inequality can occur anywhere, surrounding any topic, and usually arises from some kind of societal or cultural norm. In many countries, women are still fighting for many rights that are taken for granted in the United States. Did you know that women weren’t legally allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia until June 2018? Though the law now permits women to drive, there are still many difficulties a woman must overcome in order to get behind the wheel, such as the Guardianship laws that still exist today. 

When and where does gender inequality occur?

Unfortunately, gender equality occurs everywhere, all around you. In local or large businesses, women may be paid less in jobs they are equally capable of performing. Full-time employees who are women only make 81% of the dollar that men make. Gender inequality can occur in the classroom when men are given more opportunities, or feel more comfortable speaking up than their woman-identifying peers. Don’t be afraid to speak up, your opinion is important! And also remember to let others speak freely without interrupting. Encourage everyone to go for amazing opportunities; your qualifications and worth are not dependent on your identity. 

Who should stand up against gender inequality?

According to a survey by Time Magazine, when the question: “Do you feel that achieving gender equality in the U.S is something you can personally impact?” was asked, only 53% of respondents chose “Yes.” Though this is over half of the respondents, it is important that everyone realizes they can play a significant role in increasing equality in any environment. In fact, the “yes” responses should be 100%! Being conscious of your actions in the classroom or workplace can have a large impact on the overall environment. For example, letting everyone speak equally without being interrupted or “corrected” is a great way to start. It does not matter if you do not identify as a woman; you can fight against gender inequality, and it is important that you do. It is not only up to women to make a difference, it is up to everyone, including you! Here are some basic tips you can use to make an impact:

[1] Allow the speaker to finish speaking before adding in to the conversation. Everyone in the room should feel free to express themselves without feeling invalidated.

[2] Identify that there is an unequal situation, attempt to resolve it yourself (if you can) or bring it up to a trusted member in charge to respond. Ignoring or putting away an unfair situation can be harmful in the long term, and is best if resolved ASAP!

[3] If you are caught in a situation where you are not being fair, recognize your actions and apologize!

[4] Always listen when someone feels they are being treated unfairly. Try to understand and don’t invalidate their feelings!

Sometimes, inequality is rooted deeper than one-on-one or group exchanges. For bigger changes, it may be up to policymakers to resolve the issue. Take driving in Saudi Arabia for an example again! You can participate in petitions, marches, or simply show your support on online platforms. Your voice matters!

article by Kerren Zou ‘24

design by Carolyn Lu ‘24