It's Recruiting Season!

Recruiting Season Tips!

The fall season is here and students are scrambling to apply for internships and jobs for the upcoming summer. We know how stressful these times can be, so here are some curated tips to help you on your career journey! This week we’ll be going over resources that will help you find and apply for internships.

Where do I start?

Okay, you are stressed with having to find a summer internship. Where do you even start? Well, good thing you’re here because these are some of our favorite sites to look for opportunities! 

  • Handshake: As students, your institution should have a job listing site. For example, UC Berkeley has Handshake for all students. This platform allows you to attend career fairs, resume events, and most importantly job listings!

  • LinkedIn: If you are looking for a job, LinkedIn is another go-to site! Not only can you look for internship openings, but also you can create a profile to help you connect with professional contacts.  

  • Glassdoor: This is a great place to look for job and internship opportunities, but what Glassdoor does differently is that you can search specifically for salaries, company reviews, and descriptions of interviews.

  • Google: If you don’t know where to start, you can always resort to a Google search if you want to find an internship opportunity! Google also has filters to help streamline your job search.

  • What’s special about this site is how you are able to see if you have any Facebook connections that currently work or previously worked at the company you are looking at! 

Remember, recruiting season is tough but never give up! You are on your own way on the path to success! Be sure to get on our blog next week, we’ll be talking about resume and cover letter tips. 

Good luck!

article and design by Madeline Iswaranata ‘23