Beyond Boundaries: Unveiling Triumphs – A Personal Journey within BWIB

Share a personal success story or memorable moment from your time in BWIB that encapsulates the essence of the organization for you.

Embarking on a reflective journey, the members of Berkeley Women in Business (BWIB) share their personal success stories and defining moments that epitomize the essence of this empowering organization. From impactful conferences to navigating leadership roles, each narrative illuminates the diverse paths taken within BWIB. Join us in celebrating the memories, achievements, and growth that have shaped the individuals and the collective spirit of BWIB.

Serena, VP of Marketing:

“The Women in the Workforce Conference stands out to me among the many memorable moments from my time in BWIB. It was so gratifying to witness an endeavor I had helped spearhead the publicity for come to life in an invigorating way on the day of the event. From hearing the endless insight from top industry professionals, diving into empowering workshops, and engaging in enlightening dialogues, I took away much professional insight from the event and left feeling confident and equipped to pursue my career aspirations. The connections I fostered with all those present and the general ambiance of being surrounded by so many accomplished women in one room truly encapsulated the essence of BWIB. The Women in the Workforce Conference was a powerful testament to not only the impact our organization has on promoting gender equity in the business industry but also our value for forging a life-long community of diverse women.”

Archita, External Vice President:

“Progressing from a committee member to a Vice President was a daunting challenge, but was also one of my biggest successes in BWIB. Becoming a VP after just one semester in BWIB was scary as I feared not being able to handle the responsibilities associated with the role. However, working closely with my Co-VP and the EVP, I learned how to break down big challenges, create a positive team culture within the committee, and push the envelope in the types of events we hosted. Ultimately, leading the Corporate Relations committee last year was one of my proudest and biggest accomplishments in BWIB and in my college experience as a whole.”

Shivanshi, Community Development Committee Member:

“I am really interested in going into social media, especially for sports or beauty. All the clubs I applied for to do more social media work, I got rejected and it felt hard because to get an internship or a job in social media you need a portfolio. Because of the community in BWIB and my mentors from grades above, I had the courage and the perseverance to keep trying to find ways to do social media. Also, after learning how to send professional emails especially for coffee chats and in general cold emailing for jobs through BWIB, I was able to reach out to different social media works and now intern for the Cal Women’s Basketball team which I genuinely believe I got through the community in BWIB.”

Sukkriti, President:

“I am beyond grateful for the community that I have found at Cal through BWIB. A big part of who I am today is because of the leadership and professional growth/development opportunities that I have found at BWIB. I think my overall journey in BWIB is a "personal success story". I started out in the organization by being rejected by the marketing committee (hahahaha), reapplied, and joined the University Relations committee as a CM. Thereafter, I went on to serve as the VP of Corporate Relations, the Director of Operations (and started the DIO committee), and finally President.

Such a great professional trajectory wouldn't have been possible without the support and love of SO MANY amazing girls who are always here to help me when I fall and push me when I am scared. It is extremely easy (especially as women) to doubt our capabilities and be scared to take on leadership responsibilities. I am grateful that I have always had people rooting for me, and pushing me to be the best version of myself. Shoutout to Collett and Annie (if they ever see this) for encouraging me and helping me reach where I am today.

So grateful for all the amazing memories, all the amazing girls I've met, and I hope that I am able to give back at least a small fraction of all that this organization has given me!”

In the tapestry of personal triumphs, BWIB emerges as a beacon of empowerment, mentorship, and camaraderie. Each story underscores the organization's commitment to nurturing not only professional success but also a lifelong network of diverse and accomplished women. As we delve into these narratives, we celebrate the collective strength and resilience that defines Berkeley Women in Business.